Blog Posts

Superintendent Nosek and Chair Wilson, stand with Abby Schools student who won an award at the Cultural Diversity Awards Diversity Awards - 2024
March 15, 2024

Connecting and Celebrating: A Journey Across our District

I think it is important for a Superintendent to try and stay connected to what is happening across the district and the broader community. While there are never enough hours in the week, I do my best to make regular rounds and to take in community events. And wherever possible, I like to share the good things I see.

Superintendent Nosek and Chair Wilson, stand with Abby Schools student who won an award at the Cultural Diversity Awards Diversity Awards - 2024
Group of 4 females standing together, smiling for photo Fraser Middle - February Superintendent Newsletter Image
February 28, 2024

Agenda Gap: Shaping Youth Advocacy

Throughout the 2023/2024 school year, WA Fraser Middle School and Chief Dan George Middle have participated in a unique program called Agenda Gap. Agenda Gap is a research-driven program led by Dr. Emily Jenkins at UBC and funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Mental Health Promotion – Innovation Fund. It is a facilitated program co-created with youth collaborators to support young people engaging in policy decision-making to enhance conditions for positive mental health for themselves and their communities.

Group of 4 females standing together, smiling for photo Fraser Middle - February Superintendent Newsletter Image
Sunrise light at the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge Park on a foggy morning, suspended walking bridge in middle of forest, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. iStock - Capilano Suspension Bridge
February 1, 2024

The Bridge to Anywhere

There are no guarantees in life, but wherever you want to go or can imagine going, education is probably the best way there. How does a child in Kindergarten one day become an architect? How does a grade nine student become an arthroscopic surgeon or an agriculturist? How does one become an electrician or a chef? You guessed it - education. This is why I often describe education as the bridge to anywhere.

Sunrise light at the famous Capilano Suspension Bridge Park on a foggy morning, suspended walking bridge in middle of forest, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. iStock - Capilano Suspension Bridge
Two students looking at a whiteboard Middle - Eugene Reimer Math
February 1, 2024

Enhancing Mathematical Learning

At Eugene Reimer Middle School, we are embracing innovative teaching methodologies, and one such transformative approach is the implementation of "Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12: 14 Practices for Enhancing Learning" by Peter Liljedahl. This framework is reshaping our mathematical practices and redefining how our students approach problem-solving and mathematical reasoning.

Two students looking at a whiteboard Middle - Eugene Reimer Math
Group of students sitting at a table with teacher completing math game ATS - June 7 - Superintendent Newsletter Image
June 20, 2023

Focus on Student Success through Collaboration

At Abbotsford Traditional School we have a strong commitment to student achievement. Academic goals of improving numeracy and reading comprehension are two of our focuses. Aligning staffing with school goals is a sure way of keeping our eye on success. At ATS we have a middle Math Department head and a middle English Language Arts department head who work regularly with their team to talk about curriculum, instruction, and assessment to do our best to ensure that our students learn to the best of their ability.

Group of students sitting at a table with teacher completing math game ATS - June 7 - Superintendent Newsletter Image
Group of students gathered on the floor CDG - Student Council
April 11, 2023

The Wolves Student Council

“When are we going to meet again?” Students at Chief Dan George Middle school are always eager to participate in our bi-monthly student councils. We have made it our mission to prioritize student voice by taking the time to listen and act on their thoughts and ideas.

Group of students gathered on the floor CDG - Student Council
Students baking ASIA_Students baking
March 8, 2023

Nurturing Students’ Full Potential

We all know by now that education is not just about cramming information into students’ minds but about nurturing them in a way that develops young people to their full potential.  

Students baking ASIA_Students baking
February 2, 2023

Schoolwide Inquiry: Connections

Many Eugene Reimer school community members have deep roots in farming and agriculture in the Fraser Valley and beyond. Our catchment stretches across most of West Abbotsford’s agricultural areas, and many of our students and their families are involved in this industry. During last year's Farmer’s protests, we were reminded that even our students who live in the suburban areas of our catchment have strong familial connections to farming.

January 11, 2023

Abbotsford Middle School and our Global Family

Abbotsford Middle School is an International Baccalaureate school.  IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.  One of our primary goals is to develop Internationally minded students who recognize their humanity and shared guardianship, which is not difficult for us because we are a school of great cultural diversity.

December 13, 2022

Learning about Truth and Reconciliation: Student Reflections

One of W.A Fraser Middle’s grade 6 teachers, Crystal Davids, was moved by the powerful stories from the Walking Forward Together conference to bring truth to our students around the impact of racist legislation, cultural theft, and residential schools. Mrs. Davids “felt like I wanted to do more” to move forward with her class in discussions around Truth and Reconciliation.