City Bus Passes
Schools in our District, in co-operation with the City of Abbotsford, sell monthly bus passes. The availability and pricing is as follows:
Monthly bus passes are $35.00 each and are available until the 17th of each month. The office will make an announcement over the school’s pa system to inform the students as to when the passes are available.
In September and January Super-passes are available for $110.00. A super-pass is for four months.
September’s super-pass would be for the months of September, October, November and December and is available for sale until September 17th.
January’s super-pass would be for the months of January, February, March and April and is available for sale until January 17th.
Bus passes are not sold for the months of July and August.
If you have any questions about bus passes please email the bus pass co-ordinator by clicking here or more information regarding transit schedules and fares can be viewed at