School Code of Conduct
Abbotsford Middle School Code of Conduct
Abbotsford Middle School believes that acceptable student conduct, based on respect for oneself, respect for others, and respect for property is essential to the development of responsible citizens. At Abbotsford Middle School, we want all students to feel safe and secure both physically and emotionally. Through shared responsibility involving home, school and community, we strive to provide a safe, positive and orderly environment where all students can learn.
Abbotsford Middle School affirms its commitment to the anti-discrimination principles and values contained in the B.C. Human Rights Code that includes the prohibited grounds of discrimination in respect of discriminatory publication and accommodation. Furthermore, Abbotsford Middle School recognizes that students and staff have the right to a safe, inclusive and welcoming learning environment regardless of their “race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age…”.
Abbotsford Middle School students are expected to adhere to a variety of acceptable behaviours to enhance their learning and support the school as a safe, caring, and orderly place. These include:
Honesty and Integrity: Students are expected to be honest with fellow students, staff, parents, and others in our school community. Respectful words and actions build a reputation of integrity which is a very important quality.
Social Media: Many of the students at Abbotsford Middle School have personal computers at home or have access to them elsewhere. More often than we would like, teachers, learning support services and administration are asked to intervene in conflicts between students that began, or took on a life of their own “via” messaging, email, or social media accounts. We encourage students to make choices to use the social network sites and email services appropriately and to resist the urge to become “cyber-bullies” by speaking unkindly or spreading rumors. We encourage parents to be vigilant in monitoring and supervising the length and kind of computer use of their children.
Respect For and Safety of Others: Students are expected to treat others with consideration and respect. When possible, they are to avoid situations that may lead to fighting, bullying or threatening behaviour. Students have a responsibility to inform their teachers or the school administration promptly of incidents of bullying, harassment, or intimidation. Every member of the school community has a right to a safe and secure environment, to be treated with respect and to have safe passage, without interference, to and from school.
Participation in play should consider safety and appropriateness. Students should model fair play and courtesy as a participant or spectator in all sports and recreational activities while at the school or representing the school offsite.
Abbotsford Middle School believes that any breach of Code of Conduct behaviours or expectations is unacceptable. Transgressions of the School and District Codes of Conduct will be dealt with in an appropriate and timely manner. Examples of transgressions would include:
Behaviours that interfere with:
- The learning of others and emotional well-being of others
- The schools safe and secure environment
- One’s own learning
Acts such as:
- Bullying, harassment or intimidation
- Physical violence
- Retribution against a person that has reported transgressions
Illegal acts, such as:
- possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances
- possession or use of weapons
- theft of or damage to property (i.e. vandalism)
As our students mature, there is an expectation that they will become a more positive role model in our community and develop a deeper sense of pride and belonging to our school. This will enable students to guide younger students in reaching their full potential within a safe, caring and orderly environment. With maturity comes an increased awareness of personal responsibility, and better understanding of the need for escalating consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
The severity and frequency, age, and maturity of the students are taken into consideration when unacceptable conduct occurs. Additionally, considerations for a student’s disability or diverse ability will be considered. Consequences will be consistent and fair. Disciplinary action, when necessary, is preventative and restorative, rather than merely punitive. Escalating consequences include:
- a discussion/thinking paper
- a warning or natural consequence
- referral to school-based team or administration
- suspension
- referral to district personnel
Where there is a breach of the School Code of Conduct, school officials may have a responsibility to advise the following:
- Parents of offenders, victims
- School district officials as required by school district policy
- Police and/or other agencies as required by law
- All parents when deemed important to reassure members of the school community